Friday, April 17, 2009

Will This Oklahoma City BodyTrends Client Be the Next Miss USA?/ OKC Radiesse Discount

BodyTrends Blog

Oklahoma City's Premiere Day Spa

Issue: # 018 April 2009

Lauren Lunday, The Next Miss USA 2009

photo by Jim Grillot
Join Us and All of Oklahoma in wishing Lauren Lunday
BodyTrends Client and reigning Miss Oklahoma USA the very best as she competes for the title of Miss USA 2009

Miss USA 2009
The Miss USA 2009 Pageant
Sunday, April 19th, 7PM
Live from Las Vegas

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Call (405) 759-7524 South ElectroSpa
Call (405) 608-4477 North ElectroSpa
The 5-Minute Hand Rejuvenation by Radiesse
BodyTrends is Now on Facebook! Join Today!
More Free OKC Yard Dawgz Tickets!
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The 5-Minute Hand Rejuvenation
by Radiesse
now at BodyTrends

Radiesse Logo

"Years Off in Just Minutes"
20% OFF until April 25th

Did you know that people can get a really good idea of how old you are by looking at your hands? Obviously, this is not a problem if you are 23. But it is so NOT COOL if you are in your 30's-to-50's and your hands look 20-years older.

Older hands have thinner skin and prominent veins and tendons, and less of the fat and collagen that we tend to have when we are young.

Is there anything that can be done to camouflage the prematurely-aged hands?

BodyTrends is now proud to offer the "5-Minute Hand Rejuvenation" by Radiesse. Radiesse, a dermal filler and volumizer that is a calcium-based gel that is becoming more and more popular in Oklahoma City and the US, is uniquely suited for corrections of deep lines in the nasolabial fold (smile lines) and volume-correction of the midface due to aging and atrophy. Radiesse is also used to improve the appearance of aging hands, and take "Years Off in Just Minutes".

In as little as 5 minutes, Radiesse can erase the signs of aging in hands. Our Volunteers last week on April 10th helped us to demonstrate and prove this over and over.

Here is what one of our Volunteers wrote about her experience:

"Just wanted to say thanks for the hand rejuvenation this morning! As I sit here and type and look down at my hands-it is amazing the difference in the appearance.
The procedure was painless and I am anxious to see long term results. I was pleased with the experience and enjoyed you and your staff members-- they were delightful.
Thanks again"

M H, Norman, OK

Radiesse Volunteer Before (top) and After Left Hand (bottom) only

Radiesse Volunteer Hands

Radiesse is for Men and Women!

Radiesse Male before and after
Volume Correction and Nasolabial fold correction

Radiesse female hands before and after
Hand Rejuvenation

View this episode of The Doctors about Radiesse.

More info about Radiesse and the 20% OFF Special contact Clark at
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Hey Facebook Users!!

BodyTrends, The ElectroSpa now has its own Page on Facebook. Keep abreast of the happenings at BodyTrends, including new services, our featured services, our amazing discount specials, our Free Event Tickets, our "Surprise" Free Treatments by finding out first on our Facebook page.

Click here to visit our Facebook page and to become a Fan!

If you are not on facebook, please join. It's so easy, and it's free. Been thinking about your first love, or those long lost friends from middle school that you haven't heard from in 20 years or more? Guess what? They're already on Facebook, they remember you, and they will probably be able to find you within 10-minutes of you setting up your facebook profile.

Join facebook today!
More OKC Yard Dawgz Free Tix
Yard Dawgz Logo BodyTrends is a proud supporter of Arena Football and the Oklahoma City Yard Dawgz. The team is so strong this year, and the games so far this season have been riveting and amazing.

Visit their website. It is quite a multimedia experience!

Mr. Dan Kilgras, President of the OKC Yard Dawgz has very graciously given BodyTrends Free tickets for the next upcoming home games to share with our clients. He is becoming nearly a big a fan of BodyTrends as we are of the Dawgz!

The Supply is limited so act quickly. If you are not an Arena Football fan, but know someone who is, then Call or stop by BodyTrends, and see the OKC Yard Dawgz on us courtesy of Mr. Kilgras and the Yard Dawgz organization.

Spato go Botox toYou

Next Party in 2 weeks in Yukon, Oklahoma!

If you would like to have your own Botox Party, and would like to receive 25 Units of Botox Free for your participation and hosting, Call us at 405-759-7524, and ask for Stacey, the Spa manager to set it up. Who knows, Bodytrends Spa-To-GO may be visiting you!
Thanks for reviewing our blog. Please tell all of your friends and loved ones about us. Please contact us if you have any questions, newsletter topic ideas or questions about the amazing services at BodyTrends.
My Very Best to You,

BodyTrends, the ElectroSpa
Save 20%
The 5-Minute Hand Rejuvenation
save 50%
at BodyTrends

Offer Expires: April 25, 2009

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