Thursday, June 16, 2022

Introducing Skinsurrection - Reducing Hyperpigmentation, Dark Spots, melasma & more


Skinsurrection - What We Are About!

Skinsurrection is a revolution in skin care.  We use the latest technology and ingredients to improve your skin.  Our special area of concern is dark spots, which is a common problem in skincare. Hyperpigmentation, dark spots or darkened areas of the skin. These skin discolorations detract from having the best skin you can have.   Whether you have a freckle, an age spot, melasma, sun-damage to your skin, or a darkening due to an injury to the skin (post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation), XOLIA, our specially formulated products for fading, skin lightening, skin brightening or evening out uneven tone can help you.  Because we use special blockers of the melanin process, our products work faster and more completely than the main ingredients on the market.  Hydroquinone is a billion dollar business, and it is made so cheaply that many companies which use it as a lightening ingredient.  Unfortunately, the percentages in products are far to low for any significant improvement.  Secondly, there are significant health dangers of using Hydroquinone Products at higher concentrations and prolonged period of time.  Other compounds like steroids and mercury have been included in skin lightening agents historically, but now are strictly prohibited.   And people using the higher concentrationsof Hydroquinone and some other compounds, complain of darkening of finger nails, and worse, ochronosis, a  paradoxical complication where instead of lightening, you get darker.  And the darkening of ochronosis, may be permanent and untreatable.

What we do differently is what the big companies don't or want.  We use a much more powerful blocker of melanin.  It is much more expensive to formulate, which means there is less of a profit margin for the manufacturers of skin lightening lotions and skin lightening serums and skin lightening creams.  But we have found ways to make it affordable.  Instead of small volumes, we provide larger volumes, so you can start seeing the benefit before spending a fortune, only to find out that the product doesn't work.  

Visit the full range of Rapid Skin Lightening Products, including XOLIA Rapid Skin Lightening Lotion, XOLIA Skin lightening Serum ( Microneedling and DermaPen Safe, for direct application), XOLIA Skin Lightening Body Scrub, And XOLIA Skin Lightening Body Wash.   You can also purchase the ENTIRE XOLIA Rapid Skin Lightening System as a set and save money.

So whether you are looking for a skin lightening lotion for dark skin or you have fair skin and you have need of a dark spot remover, and dark-spot treatment, or a better melasma treatment, XOLIA by SkinSurrection may be the answer you are waiting for.  Skin lightening, Skin Brightening, Better Skin?  We can do it all!

We can't wait for you to try it.

Visit right now and take advantage of our discount for first time buyers!

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