Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Visit BodyTrends at the OK State Fair

BodyTrends Blog

Oklahoma City's Premiere Day Spa

                                          Center for Body & Facial Re-Design 

                                                             without Surgery

Issue: # 054September 2010
Oklahoma State Fair 2010: BodyTrends Booth/ COX Building
Oklahoma State Fair 2010: BodyTrends Booth/ COX Building

The Oklahoma State Fair 2010
BodyTrends Booth
COX Building

Stop by and Visit us!
ASK about the 30% OFF Fair Special on BodyTrends Treatment Packages!
BOTOX MasQuerade 2010: Our Best Event Ever!
SENSA: The Weight-Loss Solution that is Right Under Your Nose
"Fashion for Food" with Johnathan Kayne. What are you doing on Sept 25th?
BodyTrends is Now on Facebook & Twitter! Join Today!
Join Our Mailing List
BOTOX MasQuerade 2010:
Thanks for Making it our Best Event Ever!

Our Best Event Yet
MasQuerade, The BodyTrends North Botox Party

BodyTrends North Botox Party
Let's Expose the Beauty Behind the Mask at
BOTOX MasQuerade
We wouldn't have believed it, had we not been there to witness it first hand!  Over 250 people joined the staff and owners of BodyTrends, as the Spa was transformed into enchanted evening in medieval Venice.  The Celebration held on September 10th paid homage to the beauty, pageantry, mystery, sensuality and allure of Venetian Masquerade.
Anne, Emily,Tara and Misty of BodyTrends display Venetian Masquerade Costumes
BodyTrends Botox MasQuerade Costumes
 The Event was hosted by BodyTrends associate and Bodybuilding Champion, Mr Joey Codner, and a few of his friends (competitive Bodybulders he trains for Mr. Oklahoma & NPCC Competitions).  They made sure all of the party guest were happy and enjoyed themselves.
Joey and "The Guys" served as Hosts of BodyTrends BOTOX MasQuerade
Joey and  The
 Guys, Host
BodyTrends BOTOX MasQuerade: The Crowd
BOTOX MasQuerade: The Crowd

BodyTrends would like to thank all of our clients, supporters, facebook and twitter followers, and new friends who attended this event.  A Special thanks is give to Ms. Tsinena Bruno Thompson, CEO of Oklahoma Lawyers for Children, who made us aware of this wonderful organization, whose mission is the protection of the rights of children.
A Portion of the Proceeds, totaling $1200, from BOTOX MasQuerade has been donated to Oklahoma Lawyers for Children, a non profit organization

Additional Thanks to our 'colleagues' who participated in this event with us,  Tiffiny Luong of MOTIVES Cosmetics, Brian Bennett of Bioform (Radiesse Filler), Cooking Girl, JP Wilson, Paul Wilson, LG Hamilton of the, Fred Vint of Verve, Jason Dixon/Lilian Shelton of Xango, Nicole Moan, Vanessa Davenport of Mary Kay, Patty Dry, Billy Dry of DryDesign Group, Brian Winkeler of RobotHouse Creative,  Simon Hurst of Simon Hurst Photography and Sherry Howerton of Tierra Media/ Oklahoma Gazette.

A final 'thank you' to our "Model" (pictured above)who graciously lent his likeness and physique to this project. The photo-shoot, which took place about 3 weeks before the party, was Magical.  The images generated were edgy, sexy, compelling and captivating. Little to no photo-editing of the images was necessary. The images were RAW. They got attention, and that was the goal. Not bad, for a first-time model.  His only request of us was not to highlight his identity.  He is a Businessman who oversees about 40 people, he has an MBA, he coaches a high-school football team on the side.  He didn't think the "folks at work" would understand.  And if the 'kids on the team" got a hold of the photos, they'd be plastered all around the gym.....he'd never hear the end of it.  Begrudgingly, we have complied with his request, so long as he helps us with our next project.

Until the Next one......

SENSA: Your Weight Loss Solution May be Right Under your Nose!

Sensa: Common "Scents" Approach to Weight Loss
Sensa Bodytrends Article

Reprinted from So6ix Magazine

You need to fit into that sleek, partially-revealing swimsuit by next summer. You want people to stare, to sigh, and to melt when they see you.  The only problem is that you are about 20lbs over what you need to get that reaction.  Instead of people melting at the sight of you, they react by pitying you.

There are literally hundreds of options for losing weight.  For larger amounts of weight, the hCG Diet may be the best option for rapid results.  For a slower, the best option may be an appetite suppression medication like Phentermine (Adipex-P) or a fat-blocker like Alli.    Diet programs like Weight Watchers and Jenny Craig emphasize the role of support in weight loss along with eating correctly and sensibly. Others still find success with Calorie Restriction, which only works well if not undermined by a lack of will power.   But for many people who are overweight, and have tried and failed just about every diet plan known to man, there are few remaining options.   Clearly for those people, there is a need for a simple, "common sense" approach to weight loss, where the body actually helps in the process rather than hinders.

Sensa, is a relatively new concept in weight management that approaches weight loss through modulation of the sense of smell and taste.  The modulation causes a premature activation of the "sense of fullness", or satiety, which is initiated after eating has begun. With Sensa, you can eat chocolate, eat bacon, even KFC and still lose weight..and a lot of it.

The Sensa breakthough was the results of patented technology based on two decades of scientific investigation by Alan Hirsch, MD, the Director of the Smell & Taste Treatment and Research Foundation in Chicago.   Dr. Hirsch, who is a world-renowned Neurologist and Psychiatrist, noted the peculiar finding of rapid weight gains in patients suffering a specific brain-injury pattern whereby the ability to smell or taste was lost.  He reasoned if losing the sense of smell or taste resulted in gaining weight, then perhaps giving a normal person "extra smell" could lead to losing weight.   He proposed that the "extra smell" would stimulate receptor molecules in the Olfactory bulb inside the nose.  The receptor binding process in the bulbs would then act to stimulate an area of the brain known as the satiety center.  The result of this stimulation would be to give the body a sense of fullness or satiety, and extinguishing any desire to eat further.

Biochemists in Dr. Hirsch's laboratory isolated and purified Salt-like, crystalline compounds, called "tastants", which were capable of stimulating the olfactory bulb in the nasal passages to produce the satiety response. The tastants he produced are virtually tasteless and odorless, but are capable of mimicking the chemical responses we produce in response to smells and tastes.  The compounds were then given to test subjects who sprinkled them on food like "salt" at the beginning of every meal.  The 1436 people who participated in this study lost on average 30.5 lbs in the 6-month period.

The advantages of Sensa weight loss lies in the fact it is not a traditional "diet". There is no reliance on food restriction or calorie-restriction.  One can theoretically eat anything at all, including favorite foods.  So, unlike the popular Weight Watchers and Nutrisystems diet plans, there are no pre-packaged meals to buy.  This makes Sensa a more economical weight-loss option.  The Sensa company even offers a 30-Day trial-period with a satisfaction-guarantee where you can try it for free.  Sensa also has no apparent side-effects, in contrast with other weight loss medications like Alli (diarrhea) and Adipex (heart racing/palpitations).  With no calorie counting, Sensa is the easiest way to lose weight.  It is as simple as using a salt shaker.

The disadvantages to Sensa are obvious.  Because the weight loss does not restrict "Bad foods", the health benefit of eating 'correctly' (low fat, complex carbohydrates) to avoid diabetes and heart disease may not be realized.  Once the tastants are stopped, the weight would be expected to come back, without an appropriate "lifestyle" change.   An important criticism of the trial period is that it is tied to automatic monthly debit of your credit card, unless it is deliberately stopped.

You can find out more about Sensa at Please consult your physician before trying any weight loss plan.  Here's to fitting into that tight swimsuit by next summer!

Dr. Harvey Jenkins is a Harvard-trained Orthopedist & Spine specialist, practicing in South Oklahoma City.  He is a Wellness Blogger and is also Owner and Medical Director of BodyTrends, the ElectroSpa in OKC. For more info or questions contact Dr Jenkins at

"Fashion for Food" Fashion Show and Benefit
 with Jonathan Kayne
Sept 25th at 6:30 PM
Fashion for Food/ Johnathan Kayne/ BodyTrends
Fashion for Food/ 
Johnathan Kayne/ BodyTrends
Join us for wine, hors d'oeuvres and fashion on Saturday, September 25th from 6:30 to 10 p.m.!    FOR A GREAT Cause.
Project-Runway-famed fashion designer, Johnathan Kayne, will host the exclusive Fashion for Food Fashion Show at the Regional Food Bank on Saturday, September 25th.  BodyTrends is a Sponsor of this Event!

This is the second year of Kayne's annual fashion show, which was featured last year on his TLC reality TV show Gown Crazy. This year, the event will feature two runway shows - one featuring Kayne's latest designs and a finale show with custom items modeled by local celebrities.

Local celebrity runway models will include:
  • Lauren Nelson and Christina Ecker from News 9
  • Jaime Cerreta, Angie Mock and Liz Dueweke from FOX 25
  • Lacey Lett from The Spy
  • Carmen Butler,  Thunder Girls Manager & former Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader
  • Singer/songwriter Sherree Chamberlain (who will also perform!)
The custom Johnathan Kayne pieces featured in the finale will be available for purchase in a live auction at the event. Additionally, a number of silent auction items will help to raise charitable dollars.
Proceeds from the event will benefit the Regional Food Bank's Food for Kids program. Kayne hopes to provideFood for Kids backpacks to 150 chronically hungry elementary school children.
Food for Kids provides chronically hungry elementary school children with backpacks filled with non-perishable, kid-friendly food to eat over weekends and holidays. Food for Kids serves 305 elementary schools in 42 counties across central and western Oklahoma, providing backpacks to nearly 8,000 chronically hungry children each week during the school year. There are 25 schools on the waiting list to join the program.
Join BodyTrends on Facebook and Twitter!
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Hey Facebook & Twitter Users!!
BodyTrends, The ElectroSpa now has its own Page on Facebook and Twitter.   Keep abreast of the happenings at BodyTrends, including new services, our featured services, our amazing discount specials, our Free Event Tickets, our "Surprise" Free Treatments by finding out first on our Facebook and Twitter page.

Click here to visit our Facebook page and to become a Fan!

Click here to Join us on Twitter!
If you are not on facebook or twitter, please join. It's so easy, and it's free.  Been thinking about your first love, or those long lost friends from middle school that you haven't heard from in 20 years or more?  Guess what?  They're already on Facebook and Twitter, they remember you, and they will probably be able to find you within 10-minutes of you setting up your profile.

Join facebook and Twitter today!
Spato go Botox 
The Next Party is at Lake TenKiller!

If you would like to have your own Botox Party,for you and your friends, and would like to receive 25 Units of Botox Free for your participation and hosting, Call us at 405-759-7524, and ask for Stacey, the Spa manager to set it up.  Who knows, Bodytrends Spa-To-GO may be visiting you!
Thanks for reviewing our newsletter. Please tell all of your friends and loved ones about us.  Please contact us if you have any questions, newsletter topic ideas or questions about the amazing services at BodyTrends.
My Very Best to You,

BodyTrends, the ElectroSpa

Monday, September 6, 2010

BOTOX MasQuerade, The BodyTrends OKC Botox Party Friday Sept 10, 6 PM; Your Husband wont Mind!

BodyTrends Blog

Oklahoma City's Premiere Day Spa

Issue: # 053September 2010
Husband's are Special at BodyTrends 
BOTOX MasQuerade
The BodyTrends North Botox Party
Friday, September 10th, 6PM

Dress up if you like
or Come as You Are
Admission is Free!
Benefitting OK Lawyers for Children
Let's Expose the Beauty behind the Mask

Call 608-4477 for more info
Bring your friends
Get Here, Even if you have to Crawl
BOTOX MasQuerade 2010: The "Must-Attend" Event that They will be Talking About....
Is QNexa the Next Phen-Fen?
What was Jane Jayroe Doing at BodyTrends Last week? Ask Leigh Thompson Photography!
Permanent Makeup at BodyTrends/ We Got You Covered!
BodyTrends is Now on Facebook & Twitter! Join Today!
Join Our Mailing List
BOTOX MasQuerade 2010:
It Will be the Talk of the Town on Monday

Who's Your Daddy?

BodyTrends North Botox Party
Let's Expose the Beauty Behind the Mask at
BOTOX MasQuerade
Door Prizes, Fantastic Costuming, Gift Baskets, Great Food, Music, And Beautiful Men To Serve YOU!
BOTOX MasQuerade is not "An Event". It's THE EVENT!!! The One they will be talking about on Monday morning...
Join the BodyTrends Staff and Owners on Friday September 10th at 6PM at the NEW BODYTRENDS Spa, Salon & Studio, as we re-create the Allure, Mystery and Glamour of Medieval Venice, with BOTOX MasQuerade, the BodyTrends North Botox Party.
A Portion of the Proceeds from BOTOX MasQuerade will be donated to Oklahoma Lawyers for Children, a non profit organization.
The Event is hosted by BodyBuilding Champion and BodyTrends Trainer, Mr. Joey Codner, and "The Guys", a group of Exotic Male Servers with the Hottest Physiques in OKC (Mr. Oklahoma Bodybuilding contenders) whose only job is to make you happy and make sure your Marguerita glass is full!
No Costume is required, but is encouraged. Come as you are! Admission is FREE!
BOTOX MasQuerade features:
  • The Most Innovative Hair Stylists in OKC (Larry Chowning, Sara Lashley, Tiffany Rozier, Scott & Lauren Henry)
  • The BodyTrends Massage Squad
  • The Facialistas of BodyTrends
  • Nail Artist/Manicurist Toyie Slaughter
  • Leigh Thompson of Leigh Thompson Photography
Try Free Samples of New Products Verve, Xango
Free Makeovers with Motives by Loren Ridinger by Makeup Artist Tiffany Luong and Larry Chowning
Free Demonstrations of BodyTrends BodySculpting Services with the lowest pricing on all our Laser and Aesthetic BodySculpting Treatments and Weight Loss plans for those who purchase on September 10th.
Catering by Cooking Girl Christa Carretero
Musical SoundTrack by DJ Tashonda & LG Hamilton from the MusicGroup Studios
Scheduled Appearances by local Celebrities and Dignitaries.
Admission is FREE. RSVP here
*** The Botox, dermal fillers and all procedures are performed under sterile conditions, by the physician and his assistant, in privacy, away from the Party event in the lobby
Friday, September 10th at 6pm

Call: 608-4477

Is QNexa the New Phen-Fen?

Massage by Kimberly Puckett at BodyTrends OKC

  QNexa, the New Phen-Fen
Many people still remember the wonder-drug Fen-phen.  It was the top-selling weight loss medication used widely in the 1980's and early 1990's.   The medication was a combination of two drugs:  Fenfluramine, a "psycho-active" agent working to provide the sense of fullness, like some antidepressant medications do and Phentermine, an appetite suppressant ,fat-burner and stimulator of metabolism.  Although many people battling obesity found the drug to be highly-effective in weight loss,  a significant number of people developed an otherwise rare, but potentially fatal, condition known as pulmonary hypertension and heart valve disease.   In 1996, a 30-year-old Boston woman developed heart problems after using Fen-Phen for one month. She died in February on 1997 and her story was featured on Page 1 of the Boston Globe. FDA reports of similar stories and studies affirming a relation between Fen-phen and heart valve/ lung disorders led to its withdrawal from the US Market in September on 1997/  Wyeth, the pharmaceutical company, set aside upwards of 20 Billion dollars to settle the 50,000 or more legal claims associated with the use of Fen-Phen. A tragic and expensive lesson was learned.

Despite the tragic story of Fen-Phen, Obesity remains the single, most-modifiable risk factor contributing to disease and mortality in the United States.   The need for effective weight loss medications to combat obesity still remains.  Fortunately, the science of weight loss continues to evolve, leading to better and safer options for the treatment of obesity.  Recently the FDA has reviewed a new option for weight loss, a medication called QNexa, believed to rival the effectiveness of Fen-Phen without the rare complications of pulmonary and heart disease.

QNexa is a once-a-day medication that is the combination of 2 drugs:  Phentermine, the same fat burner in Fen-Phen (not implicated in the heart valvedisorder) and Topiramate ( a drug  replacing the Fenfluramine (the agent responsible of the heart lung problems).  As you may know, Phentermine (aka 'Adipex') was not 'pulled' from the market and continues to be used as a weigh-loss medicine today.  Topiramate is the generic name for Topamax, a medicine commonly used in Migraine and seizure treatment.  Physicians quite commonly observe their patients reporting a feeling of fullness and satiety and even weight loss while on Topamax.  As with Fen-Phen, the combination of the two medications works synergistically to allow large amounts of weight loss in a reasonable period of time.

Clinical Trials show that roughly 60 to 70 % of people taking QNexa once-daily lost at least 5% of their body weight in 6 months.  With higher dose of QNexa, the more weight lost.  Only 15% of people lost at least 5 % of their body weight with the placebo.
On July 16th , QNexa underwent initial FDA review for safety and efficacy. The screening panel DID NOT recommend approval, citing insufficient information confirming the safety of Qnexa in terms of risks to the heart.  It should be noted that there were no compelling safety issues involving QNexa in the study compared to other FDA approved medications currently on the market, including Phentermine and Topamax.  Final consideration of Qnexa by the FDA may come later this year. 

Who knows? QNexa may be the Next Fen-Phen.

Dr. Harvey Jenkins is a Harvard-trained Orthopedist & Spine specialist, practicing in South Oklahoma City.  He is a Wellness Blogger and is also Owner and Medical Director of BodyTrends, the ElectroSpa in OKC. For more info or questions contact Dr Jenkins at

What was Jane Jayroe doing at BodyTrends last week? Ask Leigh Thompson of Leigh Thompson Photography!
Leigh Thompson Photography Studio at BodyTrends
Leigh Thompson 
Leigh Thompson Photography
The Leigh Thompson Photography Studio Officially opened last week. It's first client was none-other than Jane Jayroe, former Secretary of Tourism and Recreation for the State of Oklahoma,  Miss America 1967, News Anchor (KOCO, KFOR) and Inductee into the Oklahoma Hall of Fame.

After Styling with Image Consultant /Stylist, Mr. Larry Chowning of BodyTrends Salon, Ms. Jayroe was whisked into the Studio for her Photoshoot and for some Leigh Thompson magic.  Some amazingly beautiful images were captured.

Mr. Thompson is the Official Portrait Photographer of the Miss Oklahoma Pageant.  He will photograph the current Miss Oklahoma, BodyTrends Client Emoly West for review by the Miss America judges. We are honored to have Leigh at The New Bodytrends Spa Salon & Studio.
BodyTrends Client Emoly West, Miss Oklahoma 2010 Leigh Thompson Photography
Emoly West Miss 
Oklahoma 2010 /Leigh Thompson Photography

Even if you are not competing for a national title, you can trust Leigh Thompson photography to capture your absolute best image and representation, and to do it affordably and with the utmost professionalism that is his trademark.

You can make your appointment for a consultation with Leigh Thompson by calling  405-608-4477.
Permanent Makeup at BodyTrends:
We Got You Covered!
 Makeup at BodyTrends

BodyTrends Offers Permanent Makeup at Both North (Permanent Makeup Solutions) and South ElectroSpa (The Artistic School of Permanent Makeup) locations. 

Lip liner                                     $200.00

Full lip color                               $350.00

Eyebrow's start at                       $200.00
Hairline stroke eyebrows            $350.00

Eyelash enhancement                $200.00
Full eyeliner                               $350.00
Designer Eyeliner (Multi-Color)   $450.00
Eye shadow                                $400.00

Full face discounts                       $800.00

Senior citizens discount 10% off any procedure

Call BodyTrends Today (608-4477 NOKC or 759-7524 SOKC) for monthly specials!!!
Join BodyTrends on Facebook and Twitter!
Facebook Logo
Hey Facebook & Twitter Users!!
BodyTrends, The ElectroSpa now has its own Page on Facebook and Twitter.   Keep abreast of the happenings at BodyTrends, including new services, our featured services, our amazing discount specials, our Free Event Tickets, our "Surprise" Free Treatments by finding out first on our Facebook and Twitter page.

Click here to visit our Facebook page and to become a Fan!

Click here to Join us on Twitter!
If you are not on facebook or twitter, please join. It's so easy, and it's free.  Been thinking about your first love, or those long lost friends from middle school that you haven't heard from in 20 years or more?  Guess what?  They're already on Facebook and Twitter, they remember you, and they will probably be able to find you within 10-minutes of you setting up your profile.

Join facebook and Twitter today!
Spato go Botox 
The Next Party is later this month in Yukon, Oklahoma!
Upcoming Parties at Lake TenKiller!

If you would like to have your own Botox Party,for you and your friends, and would like to receive 25 Units of Botox Free for your participation and hosting, Call us at 405-759-7524, and ask for Stacey, the Spa manager to set it up.  Who knows, Bodytrends Spa-To-GO may be visiting you!
Thanks for reviewing our newsletter. Please tell all of your friends and loved ones about us.  Please contact us if you have any questions, newsletter topic ideas or questions about the amazing services at BodyTrends.
My Very Best to You,

BodyTrends, the ElectroSpa Change the Skin You're In!!! Your Skin is the Package you come in. You deserve to have it look the best it can look...