Thursday, January 7, 2010

OKC Day Spa BodyTrends Client Taylor Treat, Miss Oklahoma 2009, is Ready to be the Next Miss America

BodyTrends Blog

Oklahoma City's Premiere Day Spa

Issue: # 034 January 2010
BodyTrends Client Taylor Treat is Ready to be the Next Miss America   
Vote Taylor T.
What does being green mean to the 2010 Miss America contestants?

Tamara Henry, "Green T,"  found out last August, as she interviewed the eco-chic Miss America hopefuls, that the 2010 Miss America contestants love planet Earth.

As part of the "Green T / Green is Gorgeous Award", Tamara has created an interactive "Eco-video" contest.  The answers will amaze you as the contestants tell you why Green is Gorgeous!

Now it's your turn. You get to vote for Miss Oklahoma, BodyTrends Client Taylor Treat, the one with the best insight on "being green."

Taylor Treat's Thank you

The winner will become the first "Green T /Green is Gorgeous Award" Eco-contest winner and will take home a few environmentally conscious prizes.

Watch Taylor's answers on-line now and vote for our Miss Oklahoma! Just go to Green T with Tamara's website.
 Click on "Oklahoma" and Cast your Vote!

Please forward this to Every Oklahoman you know.


BodyTrends celebrates the accomplishments of our client Miss Oklahoma 2009 Taylor Treat as we help her prepare for the biggest moment of her life.

She is READY to be the next Miss America!

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